Have you taken the abortion pill and changed your mind? Call the Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline: (877) 558-0333
Positive Test
Positive Test Resources

Pregnancy & Life Skills Classes
Once your pregnancy is confirmed and you have decided to parent, you will have the option to attend our Parenting and Life Skills Classes (PLS). These classes are more than a resource for education; rather, they’re a safe place to connect with others in similar seasons. We also provide practical support, such as boutique items, diapers/wipes for baby’s first year of life (12 pick-ups – once/month), and a baby shower, to help offset the finances that come with having a baby. Click below to learn more and join the waiting list.

Family Nights
Family Nights are an opportunity for you and your family to come meet other families and share a meal, encouragement, and community.
Our Family Nights are from 5:30-7:30pm on the first Wednesday of each month and end with our Christmas Party in December. If you and your family are interested in attending the next Family Night, please fill out the form below. We would love to have you!

Mommy Mentorship
FREE one-on-one mentorship and support for your first few months of pregnancy.
1 hour sessions at no cost
Learn from helpful videos and receive practical support from your advocate
Sign up today by contacting Julie at julie@blueridgepc.org or call to schedule your mentorship: (434) 528-4321

Insurance Referrals

Free Maternity/Newborn Photos
Sharon Huggins from All God’s Creatures Photography offers a free maternity/newborn photoshoot to our moms and dads. Click below for more info.

Local Church Directory
Many of our staff and volunteers attend these local churches. We not only want you to feel welcome there, but we encourage you to connect with a point of contact, so that they can help you plug in, find community, and ultimately grow to know the Lord better.